Saturday, October 9, 2010

$$$ lobang

Okay, I know it's rather random to be like blogging at this hour. To be exact, I can't sleep. Am feeling excited for town later with Bimv. Yayaya, town only what to be excited about right? Gonna go get my birkens and jegging what! Lol.

Anyway, come straight to the point. The other reason why I cant fall asleep is because of this, .
'm not really that into being famous neither I think I will be the winner or I think I'm like , " Wah, super chio". NO!! It's the prize okay! OMG, monehhh! People's choice will receive 1000 sgd while contestant being choosen by the judges will be rewarded with 5000 sgd. This lobang is really, omg, tempting! LOL :x

Okay, i know i sound very kiasu, somewhat money face $.$ but that's all because of the two things that i wanna get luh!!
(the bag in pink)

Walao! With at least the 1000sgd (not saying that i can win lah!), I just need to fork out another 700$ then i can get these already luh! Good deal ttm tell you. Haha.

So now, I need a favour from you guys (hope there's someone reading :( ) to help me choose which picture to upload for both "Before" and "After" one as it requires 2 pictures of yourself, one before(without makeup) and one after (with makeup).

Which one would be better for the after?

And, as for the before, I feel like using this,

okay not? LOL

Okok. 0644am now.
Help me choose uh!! Like leave a comment or tell me personally also can!
HAHA. Excited only!

Buhbye :)

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