Saturday, September 25, 2010

I think this space here had become more of my ranting space than some "sweet-daily-dairy" shit.
And yea, this is not what I really want to blog about.

I seriously dont know what ive done wrong to deserve all the fucking cb attitude shit from you. Just tell me straight at my face what i'd really owed you and maybe i'd just return it all to you and you can just stop all these shit! Hey girl, look. I dont know whether if you wanna accept the facts that all these are damn fucking true to the fucking motherfucker max but get this straight right into that brain of yours and accept it that that's what the whole thing is really motherfucking about!

As sisters, it's perfectly normal to fucking share things among. It's not a must and it shouldnt be named as a "must". You fucking know why? Sisters. That's the fucking word. It's the fated relationship that make us sister, the blood, the bond, the cells and everything that fucking live in us! But you know what, to me, i guess im just like the one treating you as a fucking sister of mine. You? HAHAHA. Not at all i guess. Maybe ME! As a sister of yours are just a stupid motherfucking irritant in your eyes. I dont know, maybe or maybe not.
I shared almost everything with you.
My clothes, i dont mind.
My pants, i dont mind.
My shoes, i dont mind.
My laptop, i dont mind.

But you?! Lending things from you can take like forever. It's just so hard. But i respect you, despite being the younger sister, i dont think that "Hey, since you're my younger sister, i dont have to fucking ask you for any mother fucking permission." and fucking take the things away. I ASKED! FUCKYOU! I ASKEDDD.
Ask your motherfucking self okay. JUST ASK. Did you ever really ask me when you want to lend things from me? DID YOU? And even though i happened to find out that you used my thing without asking me, did i ever say any thing? DID I ?!

Whats with the attitude you have there? Tell me what's your problem.
You just totally changed. You'll just think that im typing total shit out here cos im angry.
But hey, im not those that vent stupid things out when im angry.
You're just arrogant! Stop it girl. Stop it.
Well, if you happened to read this.
I know by reading this it wont help much. but you might just know how i feel about you.
you might not be able to change and of cos im not expecting anything from you too neither do i really wanna care if you're really changing it or not cos i dont think it affects me or bothers me anymore. I guess this might be the last time im really gonna care about how your attitude is like. That's the fucking all i want to say .


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