Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hellozsxzs. You know why i'm here?
Yes, cos im feeling hell bored. Seriously. There's like nothing much i can do on comp except for fb-ing and twittering and maybe, bloghopping(?). But all these didnt managed to really keep me that entertained. -.- It's like, mad sian. Exams already over and maybe that's the only thing im happy about now. Work gonna end like 2 days later as well. Which means by then i'll be officially free. Officially on holiday mode! (Y) But i foresee uh, that i will spend more time on going out to shop. But right, there's like not much money for me to actually REALLY shop. I dont know what i mean. Just that, if i want to go shop that much and i got not MUCH money, it will turn out to be a pretty boring window shopping session, it's really a waste of time seeing all those things that you want and go " EH, that one nice. Next time buy, next time buy :D" Act like one excited and like confirm buying only but the "next time" seems like never gonna come. I'm kinda like, er, sick of this feeling. I really need $$$. :( There's so much thing that i want and the money is like, how to say, is just now there. I tried saving but i always failed. I dont know why and it's not like im always spending like some mad woman you know. The fact is, I spent all the money mostly on food and drinks! -.- I dont know why but my mouth cant seems to stop munching. I think, for food, i will always have enough $$$ on them. Wont have the " Next time uh, next time come eat". NO MERCY AT ALL TO FOOD. It's not like i can wear them out or like go round showing people, "EH, see. I got this and that and this." Like .... _l_ completely. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I just have to stop spending on food and (OHYA) cabs :x
By then, i will have enough money for all my things :) Hopefully(Y)


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