Sunday, October 10, 2010

Great. -.- Was supposed to head down to town today to shop, to get my birkens and jegging but because of the cramp that I had earlier on therefore have to cancel the trip D:
Well anyway, did call up birkens@Wheelock to ask if they have the stocks for the one that I'm looking for but they don't have it in my size!! Walao. Like exactly when they want to refill their stocks huh, I've been waiting very long for it :/
Shall go down on monday to check it out at Wheelock and centrepoint to see if they'll have it. Hopefully yes luh. :(

Ohohoh!! I'm officially on Camqueen!! Wahahahaha. Mega excited for the votes than the chances of winning!! No choice but to accept the facts that the chances of winning for me is rather or REALLY impossible :(

Well. Guys, do vote for me alright!! Thank you very much!! Appreciated :) The link is as below:

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