Monday, October 18, 2010

Time for some updates.

Friday, 151010

Met Bimv around 4 or 5 plus, cant really remember what time we met.
Head over to Ikea for lunch to satisfy our cravings. Had meatballs and Bimv got himself salmon with chives sauce. Bimv said it was nice but I don't like the chives sauce, taste so veggie-gy. :/
After having our meal, went down and bought ice cream and hot dog buns while waiting for time to pass.

Went over to meet Max at his house around 8plus, waited for him to be done with preparing.
Walked over to Loyangpt to meet the rest. Slacked around Loyangpt to wait for the time to pass again and head over to Ratchada around 10plus.
Okay, talking about Ratchada. I'm super unlucky. I got checked by the bouncer -.-
So obviously, I didnt get to go in. :( In the end, I decided to cab back home myself first and let Bimv enjoy with the rest.
Hailed a cab, hop on to it and got stucked at town area for like 15 minutes cos there's jam and this 15 minutes cost me $5++ Stupid. In the end, I spent 23.40 for the trip back.
Stayed home and waited for Bimv to finish drinking and come over.

Saturday, 161010

Woke up around 2plus. Prepared and head out to sanding for lunch with Bimv.
I swear the weather was so extremely warm. -.-
Done with lunch and walked over to Max's place under the super scorching sun to get Bimv's bike as he parked there during the previous night.
Went back to Bimv's place and waited for him to get prepared and head off to Bartley church with his family and attend an event. I don't really know what is it called. :x
The whole thing ended around 10? Supposingly 9.
Later dinner with Bimv and his family at 85 and some sumptuous dinner. Delicious as usual (Y)
Reached home around 12plus, slacked for awhile and mahjong around 2 going 3am.

Sunday, 171010

Turn in at around 6am after mahjong. Woke up by mum at 10 for mac breakfast :)
Went back to sleep till 6pm! Super late and half a day gone -.-
Rot around at home and wait for Bimv to end work at 10 and he came over to look for me after that. Went to meet Max, Yunchang and Yongji to slack and chit chat for awhile. Reached home and rot all the way till now.

Alright, I'm feeling damn warm and sticky all over now. Should I bath? I think I should.
K, end of story. Byez.

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