Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Start work at 10am ytd. Supposed to reach 30minutes earlier if we're working the morning shift but then me, roch and justin reached there after that and was late. Lol. Nevermind, they didnt really make much noise. Luckily.
Anyway, I realised I'm getting used to waking up early and travelling to somerset for work now.
Even though it's really hard to drag myself off from the bed cos i'm so freaking tired and of course, after long period of sleeping-at-wee-hours-and-waking-up-only-at-late-noons life. Applause to myself. Great improvement. And so, i guess, i might make it for RP too? God bless.

Work was alright, didnt really complain much about boring work or what. Which seems good.
Knocked off at 9 while roch end at 9.30. Waited for her to go back together.
Reached pasir ris and it was kinda early still. Decided to slack awhile with Justin near my area.
Left around 11plus.
Ohwell, just my luck, to leave at that timing and walking that way -.-
I'm like...er...alright...forget it. Just count myself unlucky.
Back home, bath and everything. Comp and am finishing this post very fast.
I wanna go look for Y.S.L's sandals and tote. :DDDDD

Zai jian :D

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