Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another day of working. One word. TIRING.
Yes, very. Not me but my legs -.-
Today, I was not in charging of the accesories department.
I went over to the area in front of the information counter. I thought it would be more interesting over there compared to the accesories department. Which turned out quite true but then the one bad thing was, I've to stand for the whole day.
Working at accesories department is different because there's this shelf which is quite low.
Which is just nice for us to somehow lean or sit on. But overall, it was okay working at the information counter area. Get to see different kinds of people.
Ladies that have angmoh boyfriends or husbands :x
This shows that Singapore men uh..... tsktsktsk. LOL.
Well, I'm still lucky that I have one adorable one with me :D

Took a break during work just now. Calvin, the duty manager, allowed us.
Went opposite to 7-11 to get drinks then sit outside Comcentre. It's like finally!!!
Slacked for 30mins. Went back to work. Ended at around 9.30.
Wanted to have porridge for dinner as both Rochelle and I were craving for it and just nice that there's one porridge shop right opposite but by the time when we knocked off. It's closed already. How sad D:
Trained back. That trip was super tiring as everybody were very worn out. Both physically and mentally.

TMR! Gonna work again. 10 - 7. Ending early! ^^
Nights all :D

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