Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Finally, after having 2months of rotting-at-home-if-not-mahjong-if-not-pool-if-not-sleep-till-uber-late life, I've got myself a job. At Singtel Comcentre, as a promoter. Started work on monday. First day of work was alright. Manager, Calvin, brought us around and brief us on what we're supposed to do. Earned 1hour of pay without doing anything :x LOL.

I'm in charge of the accessories counter where you can find all your IPhone casings, chargers and cables etc etc. Basically, just cut and cut and cut the whole day.
You know, all the items were being tied up with a plastic coil or whatever you call that, so as to prevent people from stealing.
It may sound relaxing cos all i need to do was to cut but it wasn't at all. You have to stand the whole day and you won't have customers who wants to buy those accessories from you every single minute. When theres no customers, you'll just have to stand there and daze.

And ytd, was my off day. Like so fast. Right after working on monday, came home and mahjong again. LOL! Nice, isn't it? Woke up at around 9plus in the morning ytd, but went back to sleep after awhile and slept all the way till 4plus. Woke up, and my stupid throat is hurting. I dont know why either. Felt so weak or maybe i'm just tired. Lace around after that, too lazy to even do anything.
Yinghao came to look for me around 8plus. He bought herbal tea for me! Two bottles. ^^
Thank you many many many many many. (5 times)
He left around 10 to meet lian at central. And, i went to meet Justin and Senghai at my house area to slack after that. Chit-chatted awhile then came home already. I'm still tired/ lazy to move around :x
OHHHKAYYYY, i gonna go talk to zyh on msn! With all the LUHs, LEHs, UHs, HUHs and HORs. LOL! ^^


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