Saturday, February 6, 2010

Okay, I didn't went for work today. Was on MC :x (haha) And, tmr is my off day. Which is like two days without working :D

Woke up around 12.30 today, wanted to go down to the polyclinic to get the MC but then i was too late. Polyclinic closed at 12.30 during Sats. Great.

Bathed. Eat. Decided to went down to get MC from private clinic.

And, those medicine and that MC(!), cost me 39bucks! GREATx2! -.-

After that, came home and rest awhile before heading out to Dear's house.

The sun was super big i swear. I'm covered with all the sweats when i reached his house.

Smelly :x

Accompanied him for awhile at his house then we left as he was heading out to meet his friends.

Bus-ed back together. He went to meet his friends while i went to 7-11 to buy something to eat.

Mouth itchy + hungry :x

Came back home and did nothing much.

Computer. Napped. And that's all for my off day.
LOL :x

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