Thursday, April 1, 2010

So. I just reached home not long ago from town.
Last day of work but i didnt attend. Reason why.
I went to lian's chalet last night and stayover. That's why :x

Went to town to meet my dear colleagues after their work. Justin came along with me.
We planned to have dinner together after work. :)
Reached workplace. Filled in my timesheet and realised that i didnt really work much for this month. Right. I bet my pay sure gonna be much more lesser compared to the previous month -.-
After that. Took a number of pictures with dear colleagues and manager Simon.
Gonna upload it on facebook soon. Blog maybe later or something.

Overall. 2months aren't that long actually. But im glad and lucky to have met all other part-timers there. They're cute. Simple-minded maybe. Easy going. Recalling back, on the first day of work. 8 of us can actually clique so well together. Shall go out together again soon :D
Bunch of fun people. Haha.

Okay. So now. I'm officially out of Singtel. No more curse and swear about them. I can finally enjoy my last few weeks of holiday. Hopefully.
Now. I dread SCHOOL! So freaking far! Wth -.-

Whatever. Screw up science caused it.
Blame nobody but MYSELF.

Oh anyway. Happy April Fool Day! :)

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