Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Work is gonna end in 2days time! Like finally! Cheeeeeers! :D
Wednesday supposed to be the last day of work but i doubt i'm going. Gonna attend lian's birthday chalet. That's why. LOL.
But, i'm gonna meet my cute colleagues for dinner on Wed after their work.
2months aren't that long but they're really great. ^^
I'm sure gonna miss them much :)

Just reached home from work.
Work today was alright. Nothing much happened. Didn't got lectured by managers either.
Knocked off. Decided to bus back from town. 518. Very long journey back.
But yeah, sooner or later, i still gonna get used to this shit.
Not to work but to school. Not for short 2months but for long 3years. How great.
But yeah, i'm sure i gonna meet friends there, like how i met my cute colleagues.
Hopefully, someone that stays at the east side. Like me :x

School is starting in like, less than a month. Good thing that i don't feel shag.
Somehow looking forward to how it'll be like studying in poly and people that i'll meet over there.

Working tmr. Starting at 12.30pm. Finally my late shift come but at the same time ending late also, at 9.30. Tiring. Last day. Endure :D
Gonna go surf the net and get to bed soon! Nights :)

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