Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alright. It's going to be 4am like real soon and I'm still here for one stupid reason.
I can't sleep -.-
I don't know why. It might be the cough that cause it, if not, i think i'm really too energetic that i couldn't even sleep now. For any reasons, i just can't or force myself to sleep.
I'm sure gonna suffer like mad tmr. Yawning away during work.
I dread work tmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Thinking about those sstupid managers just turn me off. But, let them be stupid for once. My contract is ending soon in less than a week. I seriously can't wait to get off from there. How i hope tmr will be my last day there. Seriouly, i feel like quitting tmr.
I dont care how many days left for me to work there but i just loathe them much. Yes, too much to explain. Bunch of sickening people that have nothing better to do. Bang wall die :x

Luckily. I'm ending early at 7, but i dont think it makes any differences as well. Maybe a can of redbull before work. Shall see about it again when i wake up later -.-

Okay. I need to find something better to do already.

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