Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'd just received an email from Temasek Poly.
I've both good and bad news -.-

Good is that, my appeal for Interactive Media Informatics was successful.
I swear i was so excited when i saw that.
The differences between this and republic is soooooooooo big.
Rp offers me the course that i dont want and the distance from my house to there is like..... -.-

Bad thing -.-
The course acceptance date was ytd. 13/04.
I don't know about this until i reached home around 10plus ytd to check my mail. -.-
OMGGG. It's like. I dont know. Totally speechless.

Im gonna dash down to tp later. I hope they still allow me to get that place.

Pray hard. God bless :(

Okay. No more about school.

Ytd. Went ehub and had nihon mura's buffet with BOYFRIEND!, wisely, cheryang, jiajun and lian. I was late -.- cos i woke up around 2 when they planned to meet at 145 as buffet starts at 2.
Reached there. Eat abit here and there.
Jiajun and the rest were so funny. There're alot of food left and they can't finish it.
So, they started playing games like chopstick, sissors paper stone and 7-up.
Losers have to do forfeits which is clearing food. So in the end, they managed to clear them all.
But Jiajun still dont have enough fun. He ordered another plate of teriyaki chicken to play again.

So. After buffet. We all slacked around in front of D'Marquee. Wind was strong as it's gonna rain soon. The weather was nice at that time.
Pooled after that then GELARE with BOYFRIEND! :D
Macadamia Nuts and Cookies n Cream for ice cream. Maple syrup for waffle :)
Nice! We shall go again next time. My treat! :D

After eating. Back to slacking again. Slacked here and there.
To NTUC to get hams because of cravings! LOL.
Yinghao came over to my house. Fry the ham and eat with bread. Another nice food :)
Went liying's house after that to play with her dog.
Home sweet home. :D

Weather is good tonight to sleep. Yay! :)

Pizza hut treat the next. :) (Y)?

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