Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So basically, i stayed at home the whole day.
I practically slept half of the day away as i woke up at 5 going 6. I admit, so pig. :x
After waking up, wanted to meet justin but then after second thoughts, it seems like we got nothing much to do after meeting as well. Decided to stay at home and i literally rot the rest of the day. Great -.-

Planned to mahjong just now, like again, but in the end, cancelled.
Not enough khakees. LOL.
Afterall, not a bad idea though. Can rest abit and might be able to turn in slightly earlier.

But hell, i'm fking hungry right now. It's always this great timing when there's nothing much
to eat. I'm lazy to go down to 7eleven, nothing much over there also. Pathetic enough.
C'mon, i seriously need a job! I don't wanna decompose. ha.

Town with mum tmr! Great. Sponsored again uh :x
I shall go and hunt for food.


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