Monday, December 7, 2009

Dang! I'm like back home, finally!
I'm superrr worn out now. -.- Why. Thanks to don't-know-what reasons that made me couldn't
fall asleep soundly for the previous night. I went to bed around 3plus. Toss and turn around until 7plus in the morning. How great you see. What's this! -.- BULLSHIT!

Right, enough of grumbling.

Today, woke up get up from bed at around 8 a.m. , feeling very awake.
I knew that i gonna be half dead before half of the day past but yeah. Who cares. Jobs more important :D
Get myself prepared and left house to meet Justin, Lydia and Deric at Whitesands's Ya Kun for breakfast and then headed off to raffles after that. Reached the building where Recruit Express is located. Troublesome much. We've to go to a counter to exchange our ezlinks with a pass in order to get into the boundaries of the building. But nevermind, it's like fun. And like...... high class? LOL :x
Then to Recruit Express, which is at 56th floor. From the window, scenery is just, CHIO! Ha.
Filled in the resume. Interview. End.
Slacked around towns for the rest of the day.
Walked around at Central. Then to Somerset @ 313!!! ^^. Lunched at Yoshinoya. Walked around. Pooled@ Meridian ( Concorde Hotel ) until around 6.
Went to starbucks opposite centre point to chill awhile. And, I'm not the only one who had insufficient sleep. Same goes to Justin and Yongji. Ohya! Forgot to mention that Yongji came and look for us after interview. After rotting here and there.
Bused from town to Bedok 85. That trip was superr long. Dinner-ed. Bused back.
Home sweet home.
Basically, nothing much happened today. So yah, THAT"S ALL.


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