Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment. Stress. Can't sleep. :/

Lying on ma bed now but I just can't get into sleep so I decided to blog, at the same time, update this space so it wont look as dead. :x
School have been quite, hmmm...actually okay but without the assignment part. -.- ohya, and cds!
Firstly. Since the first week of school, assignment had been coming in. First was NMT's topic review then MOS's animation and audio, lastly the MMP's sketches on anything we want. NMT and MOS is due on this coming Friday, this coming and none of it is 'almost complete'
Pathetic I tell you. I haven't even start on NMT yet, all because of Malcom, nice man -.- keep dragging ma time! Fxker. Lol.
Second. My cds, introduction to marketing, is a total shit. Boring and I don't understand a single shit outta it. Goodluck to me for passing it. Hopefully I can :/
Actually, it's only the assignments that are bothering me. But well, after Friday i might be a little more free from these, before the next one comes up.

Okokokokokokok. Meant to be a short post so that's all. Ciaoxx!

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