Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For like once in a blue moon, I'm updating this shit here cos for the dont-know-how-many-17294628763502730387times that I'm just plain lazy :x

I'm blogging now as i got nothing much to do while waiting for my turn to Mahjong. Bimv is playing right now and I'm sharing with him.
I like reading other peoples' blog also, always blog hop here and there. If they didn't update then i will be like, extremely sian -.-
Sooooo, i was thinking like maybe someone out there might be interested in reading my blog as well. Dont make them so sian uh, update abit! Wahaha.
Bhb much. Was just kidding about that. Main reason is that im just plain bored. LOL.

I'm much more active in Facebook and Twitter (just created for not long ago) as compared to blogger. Maybe if you happened to be like interested, Maybe laaaa, Twitter and Facebook might be a better choice (maybe Twitter more?).

Okay, till here. And i dont know when will be the other time that i will be updating this shit again. Stay tune~ LOL.

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