Well, I'm super happy as today's town trip was a fruitful one, like finally.
When I say fruitful means, I GET TO BUY MY LONG-WAITED BIRKENS! :):):):):)
Super happy even though it's not the one that I wanted at first.
At first, I wanted a Florida in red,
They don't have it in my size. :(
Then, I saw the Ibiza,

I was having a hard time deciding to get the black Ibiza or the red Madrid actually. In the end, I got the Madrid in red. I really like how the red blend with the brown base luh. Like a nice only. That's why I got the Madrid in red. If only they have the Ibiza in red then I'll surely get the red Ibiza. I seriously think Birkenstocks has it in red just that in Singapore they dont have it, so lousy. :/
Also, I get to see the tinted visor for my helmet just now :) Bimv changed it for me.
Supposed to change the whole helmet along with the visor but it's somewhat expensive.
To save money, decided to settle down with just the visor itself. Still as nice and I like it alot.
So cool luh! People can't see inside, which is my face. Then i can just look at them all i want without them knowing. Haha, whatever. Thanks Bimv for changing it :)
Bimv also said that I look cool but I told him that it's the helmet and not me :(
LOL. I'm no longer gold fish with the helmet on already luh.
Before that cheryang and jj was like saying that I look the gold fish in chicken little when I'm on with the helmet, the Fish out of Water,
then they will be like laughing away.
where got look like? But it's like somehow cute la, the fish. LOL.
But now look cool. Like so power ranger kind. HAHA!! :x
K la. Whatever. I'm done. Bye.
Ohya guys. Favour favour!! Help me like my pic in CQ this year alright!!
Click here!! Thanks alot! :):)
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