Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.
- different people will find different things beautiful and that the differences of opinion don't matter greatly.
I'm with you for the love i feel, the care i received, the concern you gave, the feeling of being important that i had from you, the efforts you put in for every single things you'd done for me, the way you tell me how much you loved me and how much you want me to be the last and only girl. And even after misunderstandings and problems between us, the strong bonds we shared will never ever be broken up.
I'm sure we can conquer it all and put all these behind our back.
And yes, You'll always be the beauty in my eyes.
I need you right here with me.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Same old thing for ytd. Work at 10a.m. Actually, those who start work at 10 should report earlier at 9.30a.m, for briefing on everyday's different promotions. But nevermind, we slack more than work :x Especially for today, maybe it's weekday, there weren't really alot of customers today, get to slack a little. Drink water. Chit-chat at cashier all these. LOL.Eventually, with such slacking attitude you'll feel sleepy easily esp after having heavy meal :x People like me, after having heavy meal will just feel like crashing down the bed and sleep all the way. Okay, pig. I know. xD
Around like 4plus? That's when i felt super tired and my eyelids were getting heavier. Sooooo, to keep myself awake, i just went to top up all the stocks. Like so hardworking only :xAndandand, YINGHAO CAME TO LOOK FOR ME TODAY! haha. I didnt know a single thing about him coming. Surprised ( or shocked? ) to the very maximum. Of course, much more awake also. LOL. Sweet :D
End work around 7? Was supposed to meet Yinghao and Jon at somerset but in the end, decided to just meet at east side. Slacked awhile at 313 while waiting for Roch to knock off before heading back to pasir ris. Ate there too. Went to new look and other shops to window shop. I still want my YSL Sandals and Tote! :x9.30. Met Roch. Trained back to PR. Met Yinghao. Slacked abit. Then home sweet home.Alright. I got nothing much to say. My hands are getting tired as well :x
I know you'll highlight the whole thing again. See. I'm making effort to update my blog everyday as i know you'll be reading it. :D Appreciate your surprise today! I'm very happy. Haha ^^Adorable boyfriend, yao xiao xiao okay!
Around like 4plus? That's when i felt super tired and my eyelids were getting heavier. Sooooo, to keep myself awake, i just went to top up all the stocks. Like so hardworking only :xAndandand, YINGHAO CAME TO LOOK FOR ME TODAY! haha. I didnt know a single thing about him coming. Surprised ( or shocked? ) to the very maximum. Of course, much more awake also. LOL. Sweet :D
End work around 7? Was supposed to meet Yinghao and Jon at somerset but in the end, decided to just meet at east side. Slacked awhile at 313 while waiting for Roch to knock off before heading back to pasir ris. Ate there too. Went to new look and other shops to window shop. I still want my YSL Sandals and Tote! :x9.30. Met Roch. Trained back to PR. Met Yinghao. Slacked abit. Then home sweet home.Alright. I got nothing much to say. My hands are getting tired as well :x
I know you'll highlight the whole thing again. See. I'm making effort to update my blog everyday as i know you'll be reading it. :D Appreciate your surprise today! I'm very happy. Haha ^^Adorable boyfriend, yao xiao xiao okay!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Start work at 10am ytd. Supposed to reach 30minutes earlier if we're working the morning shift but then me, roch and justin reached there after that and was late. Lol. Nevermind, they didnt really make much noise. Luckily.
Anyway, I realised I'm getting used to waking up early and travelling to somerset for work now.
Even though it's really hard to drag myself off from the bed cos i'm so freaking tired and of course, after long period of sleeping-at-wee-hours-and-waking-up-only-at-late-noons life. Applause to myself. Great improvement. And so, i guess, i might make it for RP too? God bless.
Work was alright, didnt really complain much about boring work or what. Which seems good.
Knocked off at 9 while roch end at 9.30. Waited for her to go back together.
Reached pasir ris and it was kinda early still. Decided to slack awhile with Justin near my area.
Left around 11plus.
Ohwell, just my luck, to leave at that timing and walking that way -.-
I'm it. Just count myself unlucky.
Back home, bath and everything. Comp and am finishing this post very fast.
I wanna go look for Y.S.L's sandals and tote. :DDDDD
Zai jian :D
Anyway, I realised I'm getting used to waking up early and travelling to somerset for work now.
Even though it's really hard to drag myself off from the bed cos i'm so freaking tired and of course, after long period of sleeping-at-wee-hours-and-waking-up-only-at-late-noons life. Applause to myself. Great improvement. And so, i guess, i might make it for RP too? God bless.
Work was alright, didnt really complain much about boring work or what. Which seems good.
Knocked off at 9 while roch end at 9.30. Waited for her to go back together.
Reached pasir ris and it was kinda early still. Decided to slack awhile with Justin near my area.
Left around 11plus.
Ohwell, just my luck, to leave at that timing and walking that way -.-
I'm it. Just count myself unlucky.
Back home, bath and everything. Comp and am finishing this post very fast.
I wanna go look for Y.S.L's sandals and tote. :DDDDD
Zai jian :D
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Okay, I didn't went for work today. Was on MC :x (haha) And, tmr is my off day. Which is like two days without working :D
Woke up around 12.30 today, wanted to go down to the polyclinic to get the MC but then i was too late. Polyclinic closed at 12.30 during Sats. Great.
Bathed. Eat. Decided to went down to get MC from private clinic.
And, those medicine and that MC(!), cost me 39bucks! GREATx2! -.-
After that, came home and rest awhile before heading out to Dear's house.
The sun was super big i swear. I'm covered with all the sweats when i reached his house.
Smelly :x
Accompanied him for awhile at his house then we left as he was heading out to meet his friends.
Bus-ed back together. He went to meet his friends while i went to 7-11 to buy something to eat.
Mouth itchy + hungry :x
Came back home and did nothing much.
Computer. Napped. And that's all for my off day.
LOL :x
Woke up around 12.30 today, wanted to go down to the polyclinic to get the MC but then i was too late. Polyclinic closed at 12.30 during Sats. Great.
Bathed. Eat. Decided to went down to get MC from private clinic.
And, those medicine and that MC(!), cost me 39bucks! GREATx2! -.-
After that, came home and rest awhile before heading out to Dear's house.
The sun was super big i swear. I'm covered with all the sweats when i reached his house.
Smelly :x
Accompanied him for awhile at his house then we left as he was heading out to meet his friends.
Bus-ed back together. He went to meet his friends while i went to 7-11 to buy something to eat.
Mouth itchy + hungry :x
Came back home and did nothing much.
Computer. Napped. And that's all for my off day.
LOL :x
Friday, February 5, 2010
I'm finally back home, after such long day.
Work was as usual, not really that boring actually, cos we ended at 7 today.
Spent half of the day at accesories department and the rest at the information counter.
Same old things everyday. It's just the 3rd day and I'm starting to feel bored, just think how am i gonna pull through the whole two months. Great! -.-
And ohya! I'm now, super, duper, uber in love with this two phones.
Maybe picture is not that clear, but this phone is really nice when u get to see it with your own eyes. The function inside are all cool and good as well. There's still backups for all your contacts and datas etc. In case of misplacing of phone, you can just retrieve all back by giving your passwords and username. :D
And the other one is,
INQ Chat

While this phone, super chio in how it looks. My fave colour. RED. WAHAHAHA.
The functions are not bad as well.
Okay, basically both phones are suitable for those who surf net using their phones.
I can't really make up my mind with which to get. -.-
Alright, anyway. I think i should continue to go surf net and all.
Gonna turn in quite soon even if I'm starting work at 12.30 tmr.
I'm super tired, i swear. Esp my pathetic legs! D:
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Another day of working. One word. TIRING.
Yes, very. Not me but my legs -.-
Today, I was not in charging of the accesories department.
I went over to the area in front of the information counter. I thought it would be more interesting over there compared to the accesories department. Which turned out quite true but then the one bad thing was, I've to stand for the whole day.
Working at accesories department is different because there's this shelf which is quite low.
Which is just nice for us to somehow lean or sit on. But overall, it was okay working at the information counter area. Get to see different kinds of people.
Ladies that have angmoh boyfriends or husbands :x
This shows that Singapore men uh..... tsktsktsk. LOL.
Well, I'm still lucky that I have one adorable one with me :D
Took a break during work just now. Calvin, the duty manager, allowed us.
Went opposite to 7-11 to get drinks then sit outside Comcentre. It's like finally!!!
Slacked for 30mins. Went back to work. Ended at around 9.30.
Wanted to have porridge for dinner as both Rochelle and I were craving for it and just nice that there's one porridge shop right opposite but by the time when we knocked off. It's closed already. How sad D:
Trained back. That trip was super tiring as everybody were very worn out. Both physically and mentally.
TMR! Gonna work again. 10 - 7. Ending early! ^^
Nights all :D
Yes, very. Not me but my legs -.-
Today, I was not in charging of the accesories department.
I went over to the area in front of the information counter. I thought it would be more interesting over there compared to the accesories department. Which turned out quite true but then the one bad thing was, I've to stand for the whole day.
Working at accesories department is different because there's this shelf which is quite low.
Which is just nice for us to somehow lean or sit on. But overall, it was okay working at the information counter area. Get to see different kinds of people.
Ladies that have angmoh boyfriends or husbands :x
This shows that Singapore men uh..... tsktsktsk. LOL.
Well, I'm still lucky that I have one adorable one with me :D
Took a break during work just now. Calvin, the duty manager, allowed us.
Went opposite to 7-11 to get drinks then sit outside Comcentre. It's like finally!!!
Slacked for 30mins. Went back to work. Ended at around 9.30.
Wanted to have porridge for dinner as both Rochelle and I were craving for it and just nice that there's one porridge shop right opposite but by the time when we knocked off. It's closed already. How sad D:
Trained back. That trip was super tiring as everybody were very worn out. Both physically and mentally.
TMR! Gonna work again. 10 - 7. Ending early! ^^
Nights all :D
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Finally, after having 2months of rotting-at-home-if-not-mahjong-if-not-pool-if-not-sleep-till-uber-late life, I've got myself a job. At Singtel Comcentre, as a promoter. Started work on monday. First day of work was alright. Manager, Calvin, brought us around and brief us on what we're supposed to do. Earned 1hour of pay without doing anything :x LOL.
I'm in charge of the accessories counter where you can find all your IPhone casings, chargers and cables etc etc. Basically, just cut and cut and cut the whole day.
You know, all the items were being tied up with a plastic coil or whatever you call that, so as to prevent people from stealing.
It may sound relaxing cos all i need to do was to cut but it wasn't at all. You have to stand the whole day and you won't have customers who wants to buy those accessories from you every single minute. When theres no customers, you'll just have to stand there and daze.
And ytd, was my off day. Like so fast. Right after working on monday, came home and mahjong again. LOL! Nice, isn't it? Woke up at around 9plus in the morning ytd, but went back to sleep after awhile and slept all the way till 4plus. Woke up, and my stupid throat is hurting. I dont know why either. Felt so weak or maybe i'm just tired. Lace around after that, too lazy to even do anything.
Yinghao came to look for me around 8plus. He bought herbal tea for me! Two bottles. ^^
Thank you many many many many many. (5 times)
He left around 10 to meet lian at central. And, i went to meet Justin and Senghai at my house area to slack after that. Chit-chatted awhile then came home already. I'm still tired/ lazy to move around :x
OHHHKAYYYY, i gonna go talk to zyh on msn! With all the LUHs, LEHs, UHs, HUHs and HORs. LOL! ^^
I'm in charge of the accessories counter where you can find all your IPhone casings, chargers and cables etc etc. Basically, just cut and cut and cut the whole day.
You know, all the items were being tied up with a plastic coil or whatever you call that, so as to prevent people from stealing.
It may sound relaxing cos all i need to do was to cut but it wasn't at all. You have to stand the whole day and you won't have customers who wants to buy those accessories from you every single minute. When theres no customers, you'll just have to stand there and daze.
And ytd, was my off day. Like so fast. Right after working on monday, came home and mahjong again. LOL! Nice, isn't it? Woke up at around 9plus in the morning ytd, but went back to sleep after awhile and slept all the way till 4plus. Woke up, and my stupid throat is hurting. I dont know why either. Felt so weak or maybe i'm just tired. Lace around after that, too lazy to even do anything.
Yinghao came to look for me around 8plus. He bought herbal tea for me! Two bottles. ^^
Thank you many many many many many. (5 times)
He left around 10 to meet lian at central. And, i went to meet Justin and Senghai at my house area to slack after that. Chit-chatted awhile then came home already. I'm still tired/ lazy to move around :x
OHHHKAYYYY, i gonna go talk to zyh on msn! With all the LUHs, LEHs, UHs, HUHs and HORs. LOL! ^^
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